NORD Drivesystems

Predictive Maintenance – Intelligent Health Care for Industrial Gear Units

Industrial gear units are drive technology heavyweights which need to handle large torques. Due to the large forces involved, small defects which are not detected in time can quickly result in complete breakdowns. This would not only be expensive, but also disastrous: major plant components would remain at a standstill until a replacement was delivered and installed. Because of this, NORD DRIVESYSTEMS uses condition monitoring and predictive maintenance to achieve maximum plant availability and high cost-efficiency.

NORD Drivesystems

LogiDrive – Cost reductions thanks to standardisation

Different gear units and motor types, sizes, options and gear ratios often result in a large variety of drive versions – a considerable cost factor. A reduction in the number of variants can result in optimised processes and costs. The LogiDrive standardised IE4 geared motor versions are the solution for intralogistics.

Fluke Process Instruments

New industrial-grade thermal imager

Fluke Process Instruments presents a new line of thermal imagers with integrated visible-light cameras.


Large order for Interroll’s Modular Conveyor Platform from Korea

Sant'Antonino, Switzerland, June 19, 2018. Interroll today announced that it has received a large order from a Korean E-Commerce company, worth in the lower double-digit million CHF range for a large-scale delivery of Interroll’s Modular Conveyor Platform (MCP) as well as its Spiral Lifts.



ODU, a worldwide leader in designing and manufacturing high-performance connector solutions and cable assemblies is introducing an additional high-current module to ODU-MAC® Blue-Line, their advanced rectangular connector portfolio.

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