ABB News

GreenIron adopts ABB technology to enhance circularity in metals & mining

GreenIron selects ABB's advanced control system to optimize fossil-free metal production, driving circular economy transformation, reducing CO₂ emissions, and supporting scale-up and commercialization efforts.


Pushing the boundaries of electric vehicle cable testing

For electric vehicle (EV) owners and drivers, reliability is a vital element of e-mobility. Advances in cable testing enable manufacturers to improve their vehicles and their sustainability. Marcus Schneck, CEO of norelem, highlights how the company is playing a key role in supporting this aspect of the EV industry.

Nord USA

Why Dry? Gear motors from NORD DRIVESYSTEMS help Vincent Corporation put the squeeze on…well, almost everything

The applications are too numerous to list in their entirety. Coffee grounds. Eggshell waste. Pomegranates and pineapples. Manure and paper mill sludge. Tobacco. These are just a few of the materials that require dewatering, a process that—as its name suggests—separates fluids from solids, often converting what would otherwise go down the drain or end up in a landfill into saleable products.

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