The world’s largest car manufacturer is getting ready for the future. Over the next few years, Volkswagen will make a radical transition to e-mobility, and the Volkswagen plant in Zwickau, Germany, will play a key role in this process. With the ID.3 model, the blueprint for the new generation of electric cars is being created here. The bending experts from Bystronic are also on board.
High performance in the control cabinet: The NORDAC PRO SK 500P variable frequency drives from NORD DRIVESYSTEMS are equipped with an integrated multi-protocol Ethernet interface, multi-encoder interface for multiple axis operation, and USB interface for voltage-free parameterization.
The LSAH 44.3 incorporates an optimized heat recovery system directly connected to the heating circuit, enabling it to reach leading electrical and thermal efficiency values.
The partnership between FPT Industrial and the Fishing Division of the Porto Rotondo Yacht Club, in Sardinia, was officially inaugurated on July 9, 2020. The event was commemorated with the installation of a permanent plaque next to the main entrance of the clubhouse.
Join DENSO Robotics in a real world premiere: For the first time, the market leader in the small industrial robotics field will be presenting an exciting virtual exhibition for customers around the world.
The NUMgear Profile Grinding Technology Module for Involutes and Technology Module for Cycloids are set between user input from an HMI and the CNC. It takes the gear and tool data as input and calculates the shape of the gear tooth as well as the path of the dresser to create the corresponding grinding wheel.