Morgan Technical Ceramics has announced the launch of its new range of large piezoelectric (PZT) ceramic discs developed specifically for the defence and commercial sonar markets, thanks to a major breakthrough at the company’s manufacturing facility in Ruabon, North Wales.
Traceability creates lean manufacturing processes, simplifies just-in-time deliveries, aids legal certainty and ensures product quality. The sensor specialist and RFID provider Balluff can look back on 25 years of experience in this area and offers an extensive portfolio of track-and-trace solutions. The portfolio was recently expanded to include new RFID technologies for high-temperature applications, which are often called for in the semiconductor industry or in paint-spray lines and drying ovens in the automotive sector.
Students at KEA - Copenhagen school of Design and Technology - in Denmark receive a more flexible education situation with the SolidWorks Student Engineering Kit
In modern systems in the automobile industry and electronic equipment, particles as small as 500, 200 or even 100 microns can cause malfunctions or total system failure. In many cases these problem particles on components originate from fasteners. The Cleancon cleanliness concept developed by Arnold Umformtechnik provides a process that eliminates the risk of system failure due to particles by taking an integrated approach from fastener production to assembly.
KEPServerEX 5.10 Features new ABB TotalFlow communications Driver, additional support to the Electronic Flow Measurement (EFM) option, and EFM support to the Fisher ROC and ROC+ drivers for the Oil & Gas industry.