One Fusion 360

Generative design. Advanced simulation. 5-axis machining


3D printing in art: an evolution of the concept

The arrival of 3D printing technologies in the 1980s opened a world of possibilities not only on the industrial level, but also for creative developments.



Verlinde announces the widening of its EUROSYSTEM overhead handling system range with new steel (STD) and aluminium (ALD) hollow profiles

NORD Drivesystems

Efficient motors for the processing industry: economical and powerful

Whether in agitators, conveyor systems, intralogistics or the food industry – electric motors by NORD DRIVESYSTEMS can be found wherever high performance is required. The drive specialist offers a wide range of robust, reliable and highly efficient motors. This helps save energy and operating costs.

NORD Drivesystems

Industrial Gear Unit MAXXDRIVETM: Ideal for Heavy Duty Applications

Robust, high load capacity and long life – Industrial gear units by NORD DRIVESYSTEMS move agitators, mixers, and grinders. Two additional sizes as well as extruder flanges supplement the modular series and provide new solutions for heavy duty applications.



“Smart Process Gating” is the name of a new process from Leuze electronic through which muting processes are made more economical, simpler and safer.

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