Liebherr R 980 SME crawler excavator flies to Sweden

Managing Director Patrik Snells is already the proud owner of 12 Liebherr machines and was given the opportunity by the mine operators to increase the flow volume, thanks to the high demand for Swedish iron ore.


Recycling aluminium for high-tech products

Research in materials science and engineering has shifted towards the study and application of innovative processes.


Touch response solutions: TDK cooperates with Boréas on smart haptic solutions

TDK Corporation (TSE:6762) announces that its subsidiary TDK Electronics has signed a cooperation agreement with Boréas Technologies Inc., developer of ultra-low-power haptic technologies, in order to accelerate the adoption of piezo haptic solutions in a broad range of applications.


The 6-axis compensation unit makes intuitive bin-picking possible

Reliable gripping without having to first detect the exact position and location of the gripping object – what humans do every day – is now possible for robots with the universal compensating unit SCHUNK AGE-U.

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