240 kilometers per hour over the start and finish straights on the Nürburgring without any steering column at all? The Audi R8 LMS GT3 fitted with Schaeffler Paravan’s Space Drive steer-by-wire system makes it possible.
“K 2019 will show what is already possible today and what companies in the plastics industry are working on to close increasing numbers of material cycles,” says Engleder.
A new plug-and-play powerline communication (PLC) development toolset from STMicroelectronics accelerates the development of turn-key powerline networks by providing all the hardware and software components needed to build and run a PLC application.
ABB’s Dodge® Safety Mount spherical roller bearings with a patented built-in mounting system substantially cut installation time and improve safety and productivity.
Now Available: Gleason’s latest Practical Gear Engineering textbook, a comprehensive guide to help meet the challenges of today’s most common gear design and manufacturing issues.