Ricardo News

Ricardo delivers first virtual remote certification testing for a marine engine

To continue to enable marine sector customers to check their products’ compliance with upcoming international regulations to prevent air pollution from ships, Ricardo has implemented a virtual certification test service. This enables the witnessing agent, customer and its sub-system supplier to observe tests and validate quality checks safely and remotely.

Amstechnologies News


Electrocaloric Cooling: In the EKDM funded research project (Electrocaloric-Diode-Coolingmodule, ger. EKDM), four small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) are working together with a Fraunhofer Institute on the research and development of an electrocaloric solid state cooling module with thermal diodes for cooling in existing and innovative applications.

Siemens News

Siemens brings out an economical new radar antenna for level measurement

Siemens presents Sitrans LR250 PLA (polypropylene lens antenna) radar level measurement transmitter, a field-proven device delivering reliable level readings for inventory management or critical process control.

Phoenix Contact News

WLAN Mesh for automation networks

With the new firmware 2.6, the WLAN 2100 wireless module from Phoenix Contact now also offers WLAN Mesh operating mode in addition to Access Point and Client modes.


Award winning AI for Manufacturing company DataProphet raises $6M funding round for international expansion

Founded in Cape Town in 2014, DataProphet is a leader in artificial intelligence (AI) that enables manufacturers to step towards autonomous manufacturing. Their AI-as-a-service, DataProphet PRESCRIBE, proactively prescribes changes to plant control plans to continuously optimize production without the expert human analysis that is typically required. DataProphet has been recognised by numerous forums including the World Economic Forum as a Technology Pioneer in 2019, and CBInsights as 1 of the Top 100 AI Startups globally.

Fanuc News


With an exceptionally large measurement area, the new FANUC 3D Vision Sensor 3DV/1600 improves efficiency in a varietyof warehousing applications.

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