No compromises

ERD 220i redefines triad of compactness, safety and ergonomics.


Deep insight with light revolution

How do you make a car rim glow without melting the tyre? Patrick Llewelyn-Davies does it with light, and thereby creates an unusually enlightening picture of this everyday object. His Light Revolution System redefines the contrast of light and shadow, as it uniformly irradiates the object from a complete circular path. A precision motor from FAULHABER ensures the uniform movement of the lamps and exact adherence to 360 degrees.

Atlas Copco News

Atlas Copco’s G 2-7 Range Boosts Productivity While Lowering Cost

Atlas Copco Compressors announces the G 2-7 launch, a new range of 3-10 horsepower rotary screw air compressors. The G 2-7 comes equipped with a premium efficiency motor, a new in-house designed state-of-the-art low-vibration screw element, and an Elektronikon® Base controller. Together, these create a robust, supremely efficient, easy-to-use, quiet point-of-use compressor range.

Beckhoff News

Customized finish under servo control

Drive technology from Beckhoff plays an important role at the traditional Austrian company.

Rohde & Schwarz

Rohde & Schwarz and HEAD acoustics demonstrate test solution for 5G voice over NR (VoNR) voice service

Together with HEAD acoustics, Rohde & Schwarz has successfully verified voice services over 5G NR (VoNR). The test solution employs the latest generation of the R&S CMX500 wideband radio communication tester, combined with the labCORE hardware platform from HEAD acoustics and their ACQUA measurement and analysis software. This setup allows simulation of a voice connection in both 5G (VoNR) and 4G (VoLTE) networks. This enables manufacturers of 5G capable telecommunications devices to test the voice quality of their devices at an early stage before market introduction. The solution was presented at the Mobile World Congress in Shanghai in February 2021 for the first time.

EUAutomation News

Could your robot be spying on you?

Cybersecurity tips for manufacturers employing robotics.

BCN3D News

And the iF Design Award goes to…the BCN3D Epsilon!

At BCN3D, we strive to create printers that are both professional and pleasing to the eye, and carry these efforts throughout all our teams working on industrialization, products, quality, production and more! We are thrilled to have been recognized in the product discipline by winning an iF Design Award.

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