Rail Cargo Group News


In addition to tailor-made logistics solutions for goods of all kinds, the warehouse location of the ÖBB Rail Cargo Group in Prague-Malešice stands out as one of the few warehouses in the area with a siding.

ExOne News

ExOne Collaborates with Maxxwell Motors on Development of 3D Printed Copper Windings for Electric Drive Systems

The ExOne Company (Nasdaq: XONE), the global leader in industrial sand and metal 3D printers using binder jetting technology, is collaborating with Tennessee-based startup Maxxwell Motors on development of a unique copper e-winding design for its innovative axial flux electric motors, which can be used in electric cars as well as a range of other heavy-duty vehicles and industrial devices.

Ovarro News

Unbreaking the record for cyber-attacks

Remote telemetry units (RTUs) help prevent cyber-attacks against critical infrastructure.

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