6K Energy News

The US Department of Energy and 6K Energy Execute Agreement for the $50M Grant for the PlusCAM Battery Material Production Plant in Jackson, TN

Scheduled to open in Q4 2024, PlusCAM™ will be the world’s first sustainable battery material production plant capable of delivering cathode active material at significantly lower cost than material coming from China.

ZF News

Rapid growth: ZF celebrates production of three million electric motors

ZF has produced over three million electric motors, used globally in electric vehicles, covering a wide range of electrification options from passenger cars to commercial vehicles, including plug-in hybrids and electric drives.

Melexis News

Melexis squeezes ultimate performance in a tiny 3D Magnetometer

Melexis announces the MLX90394 Triaxis® micropower magnetometer, a tiny Hall-effect based sensor. It perfectly balances the design trade-off between low noise, current consumption and cost.

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