Cortec Advanced Films takes VCI (Vapor Corrosion Inhibiting) film and bag production seriously is underscored by the significant investment Cortec’s CEO recently made in a new state-of-the-art co-extrusion line at the Cambridge, Minnesota, plant.
The SCH16T-K01 is a high-precision inertial 6DoF XYZ-axis gyroscope and accelerometer from Murata's next-generation SCH16T 6DoF family, designed for machine control and positioning applications, with future variants expected.
MediaTek is partnering with the Wi-Fi Alliance to debut the first wave of Wi-Fi CERTIFIED 7™ products at CES 2024 as part of its global ecosystem showcase.
Quickparts, a leading manufacturer providing custom prototypes and low-volume production parts, is excited to announce the first Open House of 2024 at the Lawrenceburg, TN facility.