Designed for the inspection of multiple features of a part or assembly, the high speed GEVA 400 self-contained industrial vision controller from Teledyne DALSA utilises multiple cameras to drive down production costs.
More and more industrial equipment is being connected to industrial networks. In 2019, the number of new connected nodes is expected to grow by 10%. Industrial Ethernet and Wireless continue to grow fast, but 2019 also marks the first year of fieldbus decline. These are the main findings in the annual study of the industrial network market by HMS Networks. Industrial Ethernet now accounts for 59% of new installed nodes (52% last year), while fieldbuses are on 35% (42). EtherNet/IP is still the most widely installed network at 15%, but PROFINET is closing in at 14%. Wireless technologies continue to develop strongly and are steady at 6% of the market (6).
Softing announces the availability of version 1.20 of “uaToolkit Embedded”. With the new version, the toolkit now includes a UADP Subscriber. This makes it the only commercial OPC UA SDK on the market that allows the creation of a UADP Publisher and a UADP Subscriber.
With the brushless DC motors (24 to 48 volts) of the series BG 45, BG 65(S), BG 75 and BG 95, Dunkermotoren has been the market leader in the 20-1100 Watt power range for years. As part of a product partnership with Siemens, the motors are now also available in specific versions compatible with the new SIMATIC MICRO-DRIVE servo drive system.
Industry leader’s largest autonomous mobile robot (AMR) can lift 1000 kilos (2,200 lbs), doubling the payload of the MiR500; Customers can now add artificial intelligence capability to all MiR AMRs for improved navigation and the ability to distinguish between humans, forklifts and other obstacles and react for greater efficiency.