Boon Edam Turnstiles Certified for New iRox-T Readers by Essex Electronics
Boon Edam Inc., a global leader in security entrances and architectural revolving doors, is proud to announce that their Speedlane Lifeline optical turnstiles have been certified as compatible with the new iRox-T Turnstile Reader from Essex Electronics.

“Our Speedlane Lifeline optical turnstiles with the integrated iRox Turnstile Readers deliver a multitude of benefits to users,” said Kurt Measom, Vice President, Technology and Support, Boon Edam Inc. “This integration is one more way Boon Edam continues to create solutions to address the growing demands for security in busy lobbies without sacrificing speed or functionality.”
By integrating iRox-T readers with powerful embedded HID® iCLASS SE® technology, Speedlane Lifeline turnstiles offer users a greater readability range with support for multi-frequency, multi-technology applications including HID’s most secure SEOS® technology.
Supported technologies include standard proximity, iCLASS, iCLASS SE and MIFARE, DesFire, and EV1 & 2 for a range of access control manufacturers. The low profile of the iRox-T readers allow for optimal placement in the Speedlane Lifeline turnstiles to support maximum convenience and throughput.
This support of multiple technologies makes the Speedlane Lifeline optical turnstiles ideal for use in multiple-tenant applications, because each organization can use their preferred access credentials. This approach also supports simple migrations from existing low-frequency card systems to the latest, most secure credentials available today to strengthen and enhance facility security.