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Golden Energy chooses Rolls Royce battery system for two offshore vessels
Rolls-Royce Commercial Marine has received an order to deliver a battery-powered energy system for two offshore vessels (PSVs) operated by Norway-based Golden Energy Offshore.

In total, the two Platform Supply Vessels Orla and Frayja will receive an upgrade that benefits both the environment and the economic efficiency of the ships. Golden Energy Offshore’s goal is to achieve environmental friendly and cost effective operations for all of their vessels, emphasising energy efficiency, sustainability and a low emissions profile in accordance with IMO’s standard for a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP). The company is among the few offshore ship operators globally that are fully ISO 50001 (Energy Management Standard) certified, which involves having a framework for measurement, registration, reporting and auditing of energy efficiency.
Per Ivar Fagervoll, Golden Energy Offshore CEO, said: “We started off by integrating sustainability into business processes and systems years ago, and it has developed into a continuous journey of success with regards to energy efficiency, operational excellence and sustainability.”
Golden Energy has been part of numerous pilot projects ranging from physical installations and upgrades of vessels to digital “Big Data” projects. All with clear targets to achieve environmental benefits.
Fagervoll added: “Our environmental journey has been a success, and a retrofit to hybrid battery power is the logical next step for us.”
SAVe Energy from Rolls-Royce is a cost competitive Energy Storage Unit that includes a highly efficient and liquid cooled battery system in a modular design. The product is scalable according to energy and power requirements, and complies with international legislations for low and zero emission propulsion systems.
Ronny Pål Kvalsvik, Rolls-Royce, VP Sales and Customer Management – Commercial Marine, said: “SAVe Energy is well suited for upgrade projects such as the one for Golden Energy where the system is delivered in a containerized solution that can be mounted on the deck of an existing ship. It can be used for peak shaving, spinning reserve and, of course, also for fully battery powered vessels of several types in addition to offshore vessels, such as cruise ships, ferries, tugs and workboats.”
NS Orla and NS Frayja operate out of Stavanger, Norway, and are well known to Rolls-Royce. Both vessels are of Rolls-Royce UT 776 CD design with oil spill clean-up capability, and they have an extensive range of Rolls-Royce equipment on board, including the Rolls-Royce Energy Monitoring (EM) system. The EM system was added to the control and automation system of these vessels and started collecting vessel data back in 2015, and has been coupled with other technology pilot projects hosted by Golden Energy Offshore.
“We believe focusing on reduced fuel consumption and emissions gives Golden Energy Offshore a competitive advantage towards charterers. Of course we also have an environmental responsibility, and as a company focus on emissions and sustainability,” adds Per Ivar Fagervoll.