Robust new addition to Explorer series makes SKF a single-source supply for all types of roller bearings in demanding, long product rolling mill applications.
Artificial intelligence to automate demanding two-handed tasks - this is the idea that won a team of researchers from Leuven in Belgium the KUKA innovation competition worth 20,000 euros.
Fuzzy Logic Robotics, Paris, March 25th 2021 is announcing the first release of Fuzzy Studio during Hannover Messe Industry 2021, a game changer for unlocking flexible robotic production
Where do you go to shore up your industrial network defences? It seems the answer is Procentec, one of the world’s leading producers of diagnostic and monitoring tools for PROFIBUS, PROFINET, EtherNet/IP and EtherCAT.
“Using a manual machine to measure a part with 17 dimensions took about 20 minutes. Today, with the Metrios program, we can do it in just 7 seconds. From 20 minutes to 7 seconds.” "We carry out highly intense inspection, even every half hour. Now our guys on the shop floor are in charge of everything, they are autonomous, they are the masters of their work.".
Spacewell, a global provider of workplace software solutions, today launched its new Workplace app. The app uses live sensor data to help employees navigate the complexities of the hybrid office in an easy way.