It is no secret that the demand for mobile robots is growing and that the warehousing industry plays a huge role in this. However, choosing the right robot for the right application is definitely not an easy task.
One of Trevisan's longest-standing clients, a multinational provider of valves for the oil and gas sector, invited Trevisan to provide a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) that could produce valves with high precision and productivity, with minimal manual intervention. Trevisan turned to an array of Renishaw machine tool measurement solutions to provide the enhanced levels of process control the system required.
GE Renewable Energy and Toshiba Energy Systems and Solutions Corporation today announced that they have signed a strategic partnership agreement to localize critical phases of the manufacturing process of GE’s Haliade-X offshore wind turbine and to support its commercialization in the country.
Multi-purpose satellite terminal transmits location and additional messaging for vehicles, vessels and cargo containers through the Inmarsat satellite network.