Continental News

Continental strengthens expertise in mobile robotics

Continental further expands its development and system expertise in the field of autonomous mobile robots with operating systems for precise and networked navigation.

Fischer Connectors

Fischer KEYSTONE™ Tactical Hub: Expanded cable assembly portfolio connects more soldier digital gear

Fischer Connectors released an expanded set of cable assemblies for the KEYSTONE tactical hub, including three cables for L3 Harris, Silvus and Bittium tactical radios and two device cables for Safran Vectronix’s MOSKITO TI target locator and STERNA True North Finder.

Kontron News

Kontron VX6124 aligns to SOSA™

Kontron, has announced that its VX6124 is now designed according to the SOSA™ (Sensor Open Systems Architecture) profile specifications.

Leoni News

Leoni presents next-generation charging cables

LEONI EcoSense® Nxt and LEONI EcoSense® Nxt+ broaden the cable manufacturer’s product portfolio.

Bluebox News

Siemens Digital Logistics relies now on BlueBox Systems

BlueBox Systems, has integrated its data into Siemens Digital Solutions' AX4 logistics platform, providing over 50,000 AX4 users with fast access to high-quality airfreight data from over 130 airlines.

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