Dormer Pramet

Free e-learning training available from Dormer Pramet

Dormer Pramet is offering free e-learnings on a wide variety of machining tools to provide expert knowledge and wisdom to customers world-wide.

MTU News


mtu biogas gensets generate CO2-neutral base-load power and can also serve as storage solutions.

ABB News

ABB and ODS partnership to enable precise and reliable custody transfer

The partnership with ODS Metering Systems will see ABB support an increasing number of customers in the energy distribution market with an accurate and reliable automation solution for custody transfer.

Ion Science News

Li-ion battery risks reduced by VOC sensors

Photoionisation detection sensors are able to detect potential problems before they occur in the manufacture and use of lithium-ion batteries, and the enormous variety of devices that use rechargeable batteries.


SIL2 / SIL3 - The safety level for mobile vehicles

Safety first! This applies to mobile vehicles, in particular automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs). These are vehicles where there is no direct human supervision. In order to protect the environment, people and machines, and to minimise dangerous moments caused by malfunctions, the operation of these vehicles requires a range of sensor technology. TWK has the right sensors for this task.

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