Krohne News

KROHNE reaches important milestone in Ethernet-APL technology

Since December 2023, KROHNE Ethernet-APL demonstrators (shown here based on an OPTIMASS 1400 Coriolis mass flowmeter) have been undergoing practical testing with selected customers.

NeoCortec News

NeoCortec signs new global distribution agreement with DigiKey

NeoCortec, manufacturer of ultra-low-power bi-directional wireless mesh network modules, has recently extended its network of distributors by signing a new global distribution agreement with DigiKey.

ZF News

ZF opens first zero-emission factory in Klášterec, Czech Republic

ZF is launching its first zero-emission factory, part of the Electrified Powertrain Technology division, following a renovation period of less than a year and a half, aiming to achieve climate neutrality by 2040.

Inelta News

New ring force sensors with galvanically isolated input

Inelta Sensorsysteme introduces new ring force sensors, serving as measuring washers for detecting axial forces on screws, shafts, or axles, and monitoring preload forces on screw connections.

Gossen Metrawatt News

METRAVIEW: Intuitive platform for comprehensive energy data management

Gossen Metrawatt introduces METRAVIEW, a web-based platform for transparent energy data management, enabling the collection, storage, visualization, and analysis of energy and process data.

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