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Delta Electronics
Delta Commits to Carbon Reduction and Presents 21 Green Buildings at the Grand Palais in Paris, France
Delta announced that it joined the “Road to Paris” initiative by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), and has committed to a 30% reduction in its electricity intensity by the year 2020, which follows a 50% reduction already achieved by the company over the past five years. Delta Electronics will actively participate in a series of events that reflect its commitment to sustainability during the upcoming COP21. Delta will present its 21 green buildings, which it has constructed over the past 10 years, at the Grand Palais in Paris, France. In addition, Delta will organize a side event, which has been approved by the United Nations COP21 General Secretariat, to share its knowledge and achievements in energy savings and the construction of green buildings.

Ms. Shan-Shan Guo, chief brand officer of COP21. After 10 years of implementing green buildings, we wish to share our experience by organizing a side event and hosting the “Delta 21 Green Buildings at COP21 Exhibition” at the Grand Palais, and show the world the efforts of a corporation that is deeply committed to sustainability.” Since 2007, the Delta Electronics Foundation has attended the UN Climate Change Conferences annually, and in 2014, it hosted a side event in which Delta introduced their experience on rebuilding the Namasia Elementary School.

Over the years, Delta’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions have been recognized by international organizations such as the CDP, which selected Delta for its Climate Performance Leadership Index (CPLI) in 2014—the only company chosen from the Greater China region. For the past five consecutive years, Delta has also been a member of the DJSI (Dow Jones Sustainability Indices) World Index and was a leader in the ICT Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components in 2015.
2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) will be the most important climate change conference in the past 10 years. We expect the participating countries to reach an agreement to reduce carbon emissions. During COP21, Delta will use its advanced “edge-blending” projection capabilities to exhibit its entire portfolio of green buildings inside the Grand Palais in Paris, France. The Delta Electronics Foundation will also organize a side event to share Delta’s contributions on green buildings and carbon footprint reduction.
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