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Nord USA
New Customer Portal Streamlines Business Processes
NORD Gear Corporation launches new customer portal that saves time and increases productivity

Time is money. Now engineers, purchasing agents, sales and aftermarket support professionals can eliminate long wait times on the phone and sifting through e-mails, product catalogs and price pages. NORD Gear’s new customer portal – myNORD – will help streamline your daily work. With myNORD, customers can select and configure NORD products, obtain pricing, download drawings, as well as place and track orders from a single platform.
NORD has pioneered customer support tools. In 2011, NORD launched an online product configuration and quotation tool. It gained over 3,000 individual users, and generated more than 1,500 unique projects a month. Today, the new myNORD customer portal adds a new level of functionality. This includes the ability to download drawings of configured units, access technical data sheets and product documentation, and place and track orders all at the same time!
“Customers are busy. Our goal is to make working with NORD the easy part of their day,” said Jacob Canniff, Product Manager of Mechanical Products and Software at NORD. “With our one-stop drive technology configuration tool, myNORD will immediately boost productivity for thousands of customers across dozens of industries.”
The myNORD productivity highlights include:
-Easy Product Selection and Custom Product Configuration
With myNORD, selecting and configuring NORD product combinations will be a breeze, regardless of the project’s technical complexity. Canniff explained, “The unit model number and itemized product details are updated with every click, providing immediate feedback.” Product logic and environmental filters (along with tip texts and dynamic images) makes custom drive product selections easy.
Canniff added, “myNORD is not only intuitive, but also practical when it comes to learning NORD product. Customers who are new to the tool can create a quote, place an order, and track the order without getting lost.”
-Download Drawings in Multiple CAD Formats from a Single Platform
One huge advantage of myNORD is its built-in capability of downloading drawings of configured units in 2D and 3D formats. In the past, customers needed to open separate CAD software to create drawings or pick up the phone and call NORD Customer Service for help. With myNORD, customers can access their drawings in the same place where they create product configurations. No more wasted clicks and window-to-window interaction to accomplish one task!
-Direct Order Placement, Tracking and Simple Collaboration
The myNORD customer portal has straightforward navigation and user-friendly interface so customers can interact with NORD products regardless of their power transmission experience. A project specified by an engineer can be directly ordered by the purchasing staff, and then tracked in real time. Simple collaboration and support is another big advantage of myNORD, where portal visibility and user access rights can be optimized to the business processes of the customer.
“The new myNORD customer portal was built with customer input and customers in mind, doubling our commitment to deliver streamlined sales and customer support,” concluded Canniff. The myNORD portal is fully supported by the NORD sales, customer service, application engineering and software support teams – delivering approximately 500 customer quotes per week. For more information about myNORD or to sign up, click here.