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Fluke Process Instruments
Fluke Process Instruments launches Japanese website
Fluke® Process Instruments has launched its Japanese website at https://www.flukeprocessinstruments.com/ja. These new pages present the company’s extensive portfolio and know-how in industrial temperature measurement with both noncontact infrared sensors and temperature profilers for demanding industrial applications.

Fluke Process Instruments develops, manufactures, distributes, and services a complete line of spot pyrometers, infrared linescanners, and thermal imagers. The company’s temperature profiling solutions comprise a wide selection of rugged data loggers, thermocouples, and thermal barriers. Fluke Process Instruments combines the internationally renowned brands Raytek®, Ircon®, and Datapaq® bringing together more than 150 years of experience in pioneering new technologies into one integrated company.
The existing Raytek Japan homepage has been merged into the new website, which now provides a single port of call for all product lines.
Key features of the new website include:
• Responsive design – The new responsive web pages are easy to use with any device (desktop, tablet, mobile).
• Greater ease of use – Top-level navigation with dropdown menus puts information at the visitor’s fingertips. Each product page includes links to relevant resources.
• More focused industry sector capability helps end-users from various industries quickly and clearly understand solutions tailored to their unique requirements.
• Integrated assets and resources provide one-stop shopping with easily recognizable industry application solutions for IR temperature measurement. Data sheets and additional product information resources are listed on the same page and can be immediately downloaded.
• Improved product descriptions & details – The website offers concise specifications and visual images of the entire portfolio, with applications and products cross-referenced on individual pages.
Japan is an important international market for Fluke Process Instruments. The Raytek office in Tokyo was established in 1993. A highly dedicated and qualified sales and service team as well as a strong network of local partners ensure fast and flexible application-specific customer support nationwide.
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