Obtain a fast, comprehensive overview of a plant: that’s the purpose of Pilz’s web-based visualisation software PASvisu. The new version of PASvisu now also supports the Modbus/TCP protocol. The protocol enables all controllers to be connected quickly, along with other industrial components. The update also includes a secure Client/Server connection, enabling data from the PASvisu Server to be transferred safely to the user's visualisation system.
As 2022 approaches, the Internet of Things (IoT)continues connecting more consumer goods — even if most buyers don’t realize it. Regardless of the language to describe the phenomenon (e.g., “smart fridges” and “devices that talk to each other”), consumers expect connectivity in everyday home products and electronics.
Extended temperature range for VCSELs and Photodiodes. Increase in reliability and performance. Datacom solutions for 112Gbps per channel in development.
Joachim Tosberg, Life Cycle Manager at RAFI, has been re-elected for the second time as a Board Member of the Component Obsolescence Group Deutschland (COGD).
With double the power and half the size, the new autoVimation heating plate ensures trouble-free camera operation even in arctic temperatures and strong winds.
A servo cable is what connects the machine to its drive and sets it in motion. That is why it is very important in mechanical engineering. Used in an energy chain, it must be fail-safe, highly flexible, durable and oil-resistant, whilst fulfilling a wide variety of standards and certifications for use in the global market.
GE Renewable Energy and PKN ORLEN announced today that they have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to explore ways to work together to support the development of offshore wind projects in Poland, a country expected to award up to 10.9 GW of offshore wind projects by 2030 and up to 28 GW of offshore wind by 2050.