Inductive sensors from Micro-Epsilon are based on the eddy current principle and designed for non-contact measurement of displacement, distance, position, oscillation and vibrations.
GE Gas Power and Shell Global Solutions, a pioneer in liquefied natural gas (LNG) for more than 50 years, announced today they have signed a development agreement to pursue potential pathways aiming to reduce the carbon intensity of Shell’s LNG supply projects around the world.
Fraunhofer researchers have now found a way to harvest enough energy to operate these sensors using vibrations from machines, equipment or buildings, as well as from temperature differences between pipes, lines or valves, and the environment.
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation announced today it will launch “Automating the World” as the global slogan for its Factory Automation Systems business.
General Magnaplate — a world leader in surface treatments for metal parts — is pleased to announce a new and improved website designed to help users quickly identify the ideal surface treatment for their specific application. The new web site coincides with the Company’s 70th anniversary and will launch in conjunction with its new corporate name, Magnaplate.
Rohde & Schwarz welcomes visitors back to its home town at the electronica 2022 in hall A3 at booth 307 from November 15 to 18, 2022. The latest addition to the Rohde & Schwarz oscilloscope portfolio, the new R&S MXO 4 series, will be given a special focus.
ODVA announced today that conformance testing is now available for EtherNet/IP network-enabled devices that communicate over the Ethernet-APL physical layer.
Anyone who needs readily available industrial cameras for image processing projects is facing a difficult task due to the worldwide chip shortage. IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH has therefore been pushing the development of alternative USB3 hardware generations with available, advanced semiconductor technology in recent months and has consistently procured components for this purpose.