With research on the technology components for the future 6G wireless communication standard in full swing, the possibilities of an AI-native air interface for 6G also are being explored.
Compatible with most electric trucks, the new system delivers zero direct engine emissions and ultra-low noise operation, making it the ideal solution for all-electric urban deliveries.
This broad product range combines Arkema’s technological expertise in the adhesives market, strengthened by the recent acquisition of Ashland Performance Adhesives, and leading acrylic value chain solutions.
Antaira has released its new wired router LRX-0200 with 1:1 NAT capability. Using this type of NAT, Control Engineers can translate multiple outside IP addresses into multiple inside IP addresses, allowing full access to all machine networks without the need for duplicate IP addresses.
With the all-new Linear Actuator L product family, FAULHABER is offering a unique turn-key-solution for a broad range of applications. The smaller versions 06L/08L/10L are ideal for medical, lab automation, optics & photonics or space applications. The larger versions 22L/32L using the latest GPT gear technology, are designed for applications in the industrial automation and also optics & photonics.
IoT technologies have the potential to overcome many of the challenges society faces today. Even more, they improve the quality of life, convenience and increase industrial productivity.
The new GAIA soil monitoring solution from Sentinum has a pivotal role to play in smart agriculture - helping to maximize crop yields while keeping down fertilizer use and minimizing the amount of water needed for irrigation purposes.
Despite the tense procurement situation, the machine vision company. IDS expects a positive turnover development and growth of 15 % for the 2023 financial year.