Manufacturing companies are increasingly collecting data and it has become correspondingly more important to collect, save and distribute all stored data for further use. Access to this information lays the foundation for faster decisions, increased productivity and reduced costs.
RotaChrom has announced its rCPC platform conforms to Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) for the pharmaceutical industry, allowing the use of its rCPC purification and separation systems within cGMP-compliant laboratory and manufacturing environments.
UCODE 9xm delivers industry-leading performance, combining more than three times the sensitivity of previous NXP UCODE memory ICs with advanced customer-configurable memory options, enabling more diverse objects to be tagged and delivering a more accurate picture of the supply chain.
ÖBB Rail Cargo Group (RCG) now offers optimised transport solutions for maritime flows of goods between Austria and Italy in its comprehensive TransNET.
Hilscher North America is pleased to announce its netX 90 system-on-a-chip (SoC) and netRAPID 90, a netX chip carrier, have received the CC-Link IE Field Network Basic slave conformance certificate from the CC-Link Partner Association (CLPA).
Orbex Group, has introduced two new custom products to its offering of precision motion solutions. These custom flat brushless DC (BLDC) motors provide smooth motion, high precision and excellent power density, as well as an integral gear reducer in a compact package.