Danfoss News

Danfoss enhances energy efficiency and project viability with MyDrive Energy

MyDrive Energy calculates the energy saving potential of your project, including payback time. It also contains an Efficiency Calculator which succeeds the MyDrive ecoSmart tool, to calculate energy efficiency classes of drives and motor-drive systems.

Danfoss enhances energy efficiency and project viability with MyDrive Energy

MyDrive® Energy, a state-of-the-art digital tool from Danfoss, is designed to empower customers in estimating potential energy savings when upgrading their installations with Danfoss drives. This innovative tool provides a simple payback time calculation for the necessary investment, allowing customers to make informed decisions about upgrading their systems.

One of the standout features of MyDrive Energy is its capability to easily estimate the potential reduction in energy consumption when use Danfoss drives for motors. Customers can independently use this tool to evaluate potential savings for their projects, thereby enhancing the energy efficiency of their installations while reducing their operating costs.

Integrated Efficiency Calculator succeeds MyDrive ecoSmart
A significant development is the integration of MyDrive ecoSmart into MyDrive Energy, now named Efficiency Calculator, to comply with new IEC 61800-9-2 (2023) certification and the new IE & IES class definitions. This integration means customers have access to all relevant functions in one tool instead of two, for more streamlined workflow.

Key features and benefits of MyDrive Energy:
  • Adjustable project settings: Customers can adjust energy price and CO2 emissions in project settings, allowing them to make precise estimations based on their unique circumstances.
  • Simplified evaluation: Only a few items of information are needed per system calculation, enabling customers to evaluate potential savings without intricate technical knowledge
  • Integrated system efficiency calculation: The tool offers an integrated simple system efficiency calculation, allowing customers to assess system efficiencies without requiring detailed technical knowledge
  • Load profile customization: Customers have the option to add load profiles per system, further refining estimations to align with the real installation, thereby optimizing the potential savings
  • Simple payback time calculation: MyDrive Energy provides a straightforward payback time calculation, empowering customers to make informed investment decisions or justify their investments based on tangible data.
MyDrive Energy not only simplifies the process of estimating energy and CO2 savings but also provides the necessary tools to make informed decisions about upgrading installations with Danfoss drives. It exemplifies Danfoss's commitment to enabling sustainability and energy efficiency while empowering customers to take control of their energy consumption and environmental impact.


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