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Infineon News
Infineon to lead European research project on Industry 5.0 for more sustainability and resilience in European manufacturing
Infineon Technologies AG is taking over coordination of the wide-scope European research project AIMS5.0 ("Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing Leading to Sustainability and Industry 5.0").

Hardware and software-based Artificial Intelligence are to improve resource consumption in manufacturing and at the same time raise product quality. In addition, the objective is to improve resilience, optimize supply chains and time-to-market in order to boost the international competitive strength of Europe as a commercial location.
A budget of approximately 70 million euros makes AIMS5.0 one of Europe's major research projects. It is being funded under the European Union's Key Digital Technologies Joint Undertaking (KDT JU). 53 research and partners in industry from twelve countries are participating.
"Production processes in the sense of Industry 5.0 incorporate humans, the environment and the entire supply chain. The research project AIMS5.0 will make intensified use of Artificial Intelligence to achieve comprehensive improvements in all these aspects, thus increasing the sustainability, resilience and competitive strength of European manufacturing," says Rutger Wijburg, Chief Operating Officer at Infineon. "We at Infineon are committed to driving decarbonization and digitalization. We are therefore very pleased to take on leadership of AIMS5.0, where we will move Industry 5.0 ahead in alliance with excellent European partners."
The AIMS5.0 project consortium represents the entire chain, including producers, suppliers, specialists, research institutes and universities. In a variety of working groups they are examining 20 application cases from new fields and exchanging results on an interdisciplinary basis. A language model is to be developed which renders the widest possible variety of data intelligible for humans and computers in order to better analyze and forecast supply chains.
Another application case is concerned with an interface between the human brain and the computer based on electroencephalography (EEG; measurement of brain waves). The interface is to control an exoskeleton as electromechanical support for humans in production operations. A third application case is developing an MLOps machine learning tool for the use of Artificial Intelligence in semiconductor manufacturing.
On the whole, AIMS5.0 is for the first time pursuing a joint approach to the application of AI and AI-based hardware across the widest possible variety of fields. This higher-level claim aligns the project with the tradition of its predecessor project Productive4.0. Also initiated by Infineon, Productive4.0 was outstanding and, as the largest European lighthouse project, paved the way to the digital transformation of European industry.
Over the course of three years, the research project AIMS5.0 will investigate decisive fundamentals for the next steps in the digital transformation of European industry. The kick-off event and official launch will take place at the Infineon Villach site on 23 May 2023.