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Multivac News
MULTIVAC switches to eco power
In order to support the battle against global warming, MULTIVAC has been backing eco power for its production sites in Germany and Austria since the beginning of the year. This measure enables the company's CO2 footprint to be reduced of more than 20,000 tons over the next 3 years.

In addition to this, the expansion of photovoltaic systems is being driven forward. As MULTIVAC's regional partner, the TWS company (Technische Werke Schussental) is supplying all MULTIVAC's sites in Germany with certified green electricity. The official ceremony for handing over the certificate took place yesterday in Wolfertschwenden. Armin Feser, Sales Director at TWS, and Manuel Erens, Head of Business Customer Sales at TWS, handed over the certificate to Christian Traumann, Group President of MULTIVAC, and Alexander Hauschke, Executive Vice President for Corporate Strategy at MULTIVAC.
The world is becoming increasingly aware of the consequences of global warning. In order to apply the emergency brake, the German Federal Government now wants the country to be climate-neutral by 2045 - the original target was 2050. This means gradually phasing out fossil fuel electricity generated from coal and lignite power stations by 2038. It also means the expansion of renewable energy.
“Industry consumes about 45 percent of the electricity in Germany. Equally great is the contribution, which German companies can make to climate protection by switching to eco power,” said Christian Traumann, Group President of MULTIVAC. “We do not therefore want to push the limits on the period of grace for the changeover. As an industrial company, we see it as our responsibility to reduce the consumption of fossil fuel energy as quickly as possible, and therefore also to save on CO2 emissions. For this reason, we are switching immediately to environmentally-friendly eco power at all our production sites in Germany and Austria.”
Eco power saves more than 20,000 tons of CO2
In order to effect the changeover to eco power quickly, MULTIVAC has signed a supply contract with its regional partner TWS, which since January 2022 has been supplying certified green electricity with proof of origin and reinvestment in renewable energy to all of MULTIVAC's production sites in Germany. The TWS company, which is based in Ravensburg, produces and sells only eco power, and it operates 27 power generating plants. These plants enabled TWS to generate around 72 million kWh of eco power in 2021.
“TWS wil provide 45 million kWh of green electricity for our sites in Wolfertschwenden, Bruckmühl, Enger, Markt Einersheim and Nettetal for the years 2022 to 2024, while the Austrian company, Wels Strom GmbH, will supply an additional 5.6 million kWh in 2022 to our site in Lechaschau,” explained Christian Traumann. “Thanks to this supply of eco power, we can significantly improve the company's ecological footprint and save around 20,300 tons of CO2.” As a comparison, this equates to approximately the amount that 29,000 spruce trees at a height of 35 metres absorb in 100 years.
Photovoltaic system generates 496,000 kWh of eco power per year
But MULTIVAC does not however have 100 percent of its eco power delivered. The company produces part of this with its own photovoltaic system. The packaging specialist has installed photovoltaic systems with a total output of 1,600 kWp at five of its sites. Further self-generation plants are in the planning stage. Most recently, 1,330 photovoltaic modules were installed on an area of 2,330 square meters at the Lechaschau site. They generate an annual output of around 496,000 kWh. Christian Traumann explained: “Thanks to the power of the sun, we have succeeded in saving a further 300 tons of CO2 emissions per year.” In addition to this, the company has its own CHP (combined heat and power) units for recovering heat.