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CIAT introduces Comfort Line, its latest range of ductable comfort units
Fully scalable and modular, CIAT's Comfort Line comfort units adapt to the specific requirements of all projects whether they be new buildings built in strict compliance thermal regulation or refurbishment projects to improve energy efficiency, comfort and indoor air quality.

Three versions are available: Comfort Line Premium (HEE motor + CIAT's exclusive Epure filtration), Comfort Line Standard (HEE motor + standard filtration) and Comfort Line Basic (standard motor, standard filtration). Comfort Line comfort units with standard filtration can be subsequently retrofitted with the Epure filtration function simply by changing the filtration module. Likewise, the HEE motors can be upgraded very easily without requiring any modifications to be made. Comfort Line boasts a wide range of capacities (0.7 kW to 6.1 kW) and reduced thicknesses (215 mm to 280 mm) for less space usage in suspended ceilings and raised floors.
The High Energy Efficiency version (HEE), which can achieve energy savings of as much as 87%, meets the 2013 and 2015 ErP directives. The fans with airfoil blades specially engineered by CIAT are also HEE.
Already integrated into the Coadis Line range, Epure technology provides a solution to indoor air quality (IAQ) issues and removes airborne particles in order to protect the health of building occupants. Comfort Line ensures excellent IAQ by reducing airborne PM2.5 concentrations to below the WHO-recommended threshold of 10 µg/m3.
Each unit in the range features a patented thermoplastic drain pan designed to reduce the leakage of air outside the unit and prevent the bypass of air around the coil. The pan's design also allows it to retain only a minimum of condensate, optimise pump operating time and improve safety in the event of coil maintenance. Condensate drains out of the bottom of the sloped pan. Manually reversible drain adapters are placed near the rear or front of the unit. The pan is mounted in a drawer with the coil for easy removal. It can also be removed via the unit's underside.
Comfort Line is available with different two-pipe hydraulic coils to accommodate the multitude of water temperature ranges, in addition to the conventional Eurovent 7/12 range. As a result, the unit's size does not need to be increased to accommodate increasingly varying temperature ranges. An electric heater can easily be fitted in place after the hydraulic coil to create units with four-pipe coils and electric heaters.
Comfort Line has been designed in accordance with the CIAT Group's sustainable development programme and , in particular, its ecodesign principles. Each unit can be fully dismantled and is thus 94% recyclable. The life cycle assessment (LCA) for Comfort Line established that it has 13% fewer environmental impacts than the previous ranges.
Comfort Line has a low carbon footprint. It is made in France and contains raw materials provided by suppliers located near its factory.