

AQUACIAT Power, the range of new-generation chilled water units and air/water heat pumps from CIAT, now includes a High Energy Efficiency (HEE) option. Available in 300 to 650 kW power outputs, the HEE version makes the most of all the experience we have acquired, with 600 units in operation around the world since the market launch in 2008. The class A High Energy Efficiency (HEE) version can reduce energy consumption by a further 10%. The multi-purpose AQUACIAT Power HEE is particularly suited to air conditioning for large buildings, hotels, industry, offices and shops.

AQUACIAT Power HEE is different, mostly because of its high energy performance. Firstly, the brazed plate heat exchanger assembly has been optimised to increase the exchange surface by 25%. Secondly, the latest generation of more powerful SCROLL compressors has been used. There is also the option of a multitube heat exchanger for the industrial market. This range has a very wide operating temperature range, with chilled water output temperatures from -12°C to +18°C.

AQUACIAT Power HEE is particularly quiet in operation. This is the only unit in its class to offer both a class A energy efficiency rating and a noise level of just 56 dB(A) at 10 metres, with a power output of 650 kW.
The unit has achieved an ESEER (European Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, which gives an average figure for the year as a whole) of 4.39, which means that every 1 kW of electrical energy put in produces 4.39 kW of cooling power.

AQUACIAT Power HEE uses the CONNECT 2 controller, which uses the Modbus/JBus communication protocol as standard, but is also available in an LON or Ethernet option. It provides master/slave control of 2 machines and ensures that information is checked and fed back to the remote building management system. It goes without saying that CONNECT 2 constantly adjusts the unit’s performance to match the user’s requirements. Where compressors are installed in parallel, for example, they can be controlled on a floor-by-floor basis, with the output constantly being adjusted to actual needs in real time.

Finally, to optimise energy performance further, total or partial energy recovery versions are available. This system can be used to recover the expelled heat energy in order to heat an external water circuit. For total energy recovery, a water condenser is added upstream of the air condenser on every cooling circuit, allowing the production of considerable quantities of hot water heated to as much as 50°C. With the partial recovery version, water can be obtained at temperatures of 60°C to 65°C, in smaller quantities. The heat from the compressor exhaust gases is then used directly by means of a heat exchanger-desuperheater. These options are chiefly used in buildings where domestic hot water requirements remain constant throughout the year (hotels, leisure centres etc.). Overall energy efficiency can therefore be increased by 150% in total recovery mode.

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