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Eichenberger Gewinde
The Speedy high-helix lead screws from Eichenberger Gewinde: made of steel, maintenance-free and ideal for agrifood applications.
The Speedy high-helix lead screws from Eichenberger Gewinde: made of steel, maintenance-free and ideal for agrifood applications. |

The Speedy lead screws are manufactured by the process of cold rolling from stainless steel and aluminium. They are used with standard or axial or torsion-preloaded nuts. The material for the nut can be selected as bronze, or other materials made of plastic, depending on the amount of stress to be undergone or for special applications. For example, a perfect combination of materials between the stainless steel screw and a plastic or bronze nut allows it to operate lubrication-free in some applications (dry running) and is highly resistant to wear, has a low frictional coefficient and above all, maintenance is totally eliminated. These characteristics are ideally suited to the requirements of agrifood industries.
Eichenberger designs extremely accurate lead screws and develops its own fabrication methods. This has allowed Eichenberger Gewinde to optimise and refine the manufacture of high-helix lead screws. Maintaining a dialogue with customers is still the driver of innovation. Nowadays, tailored solutions can be developed on customer request. Prototypes based on very precise specifications can be delivered in only a few weeks.