Magnetic gripper - MHM-X6400 Series
Performs optimally, where others don’t.

Is your current handling solution not performing optimally?
If your answer is affirmative, MHM could be the solution. Our Magnetic Gripper is capable of adsorbing a great variety of ferromagnetic pieces, with different geometries and properties.
In applications where vacuum pads or grippers are not performing efficiently, e.g. due to porous or uneven surfaces, MHM will do the task.
With SMC's Magnetic Gripper you will:
- Handle with reliability and safety - Holding force up to 120 N, plus it guarantees grasping of the workpiece even when the air is shut off
- Reduce your cycle time - Residual holding force of 0.3 N or less
- Get great usage flexibility - Adjust the force only by changing the bumper.
See for yourself how MHM-X6400 Series will "Perform optimally, where others don’t"