
Technology report: Methods for risk assessment

The European Machinery Directive requires that a risk analysis be performed for every machine before being brought to market. The convergence of IT and OT as well as the rapid technological development has made it necessary to revise the Machinery Directive. The result is the new Machinery Regulation: It will replace the Machinery Directive as the legal foundation. It contains additional requirements on the risk analysis. In addition to the general procedure for the risk analysis, various processes for the risk assessment are introduced and their properties explained in the following.

Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence News


Stephen Graham, Executive Vice President and General Manager, Nexus, Hexagon, introduces us to the 4 building blocks of the industrial metaverse, highlighting some of the key issues.


A Technology report

An innovative solution by Leuze secures the transfer stations by means of dynamic protective field adjustment. This makes additional safety measures such as barriers and fences unnecessary.

Vaisala News

GMP system ensures drug manufacturers' peace of mind

APL, a Swedish drug manufacturer, installed Vaisala's viewLinc Continuous Monitoring system at its manufacturing plant, praised for its reliability and peace of mind.


Stay flexible safely

Different material widths, varying material positions or partially loaded pallets pose special challenges for transfer station access guarding. For this, Leuze relies on the concept of dynamic format adaptation. In this way, productivity and safety can be optimally harmonized.

TDK News

TDK: Wire Bondable NTC temperature sensor

The NTCWS series can be mounted by wire bonding, achieving small size, high accuracy and unquestionable reliability.

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